July 2019 Operation Light Update

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Dear Pastor,

A few months ago, Immanuel Baptist Church committed more than twenty thousand dollars to help Pastor Dare, the national pastor in Takoradi, purchase land for this newly formed church. After much searching and praying, it appeared a landowner was ready to agree on a price to sell his land to the church. At this point, Bro. Ruckman (our veteran missionary in West Africa who is currently living stateside) flew to Ghana to assist with the completion of the land purchase. Unfortunately, the owner decided to back out and would not sell the land to the church. Of course, this was difficult and discouraging as it put the land search back to square one.

Another month or so went by until Pastor Dare located a better piece of land for a better price! This time, the deal went through. We praise the Lord that the Fundamental Bible Baptist Church now has its own piece of property on which to place a tent and, eventually, raise funds to build a building! As is the custom in Africa, the trees, blocks, and other items left on the land had to be purchased separately. We thank God that funds were sufficient to care for all of this and to be able to get the land graded and to apply crushed rock in some of the soft areas.

Bro. Augustine Amoah is starting a church in a different region of Takoradi called Shama. He was recently able to secure a place to live and a place to hold services while the church is getting started. The small apartment complex into which he and his family are moving has agreed to allow him to use the corridor or commons area for church services. Please pray for God’s blessing on this new church getting started in Shama. We praise the Lord for what He is doing through the Operation Light ministry!

Lastly, let me mention some prayer requests. Please pray for Pastor Dare, Pastor Augustine, and Pastor Frederick and that God would bless them and their families as they continue serving Him. As you can imagine, the Devil is always fighting. Also, pray particularly for Pastor Dare’s church as they make this transition to their new property and begin the weekly set up and takedown of the tent for church services. (They also had significant setup and takedown where they met previously.) Pray for me as I will soon begin traveling to churches stateside to gain support for this needful church planting ministry in West Africa.


David Crews Director

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